
President: Zachary Rasmussen, MD
President-Elect: Cory Wittrock, MD, FACEP
Secretary: Katherine M. Briggie, DO
Treasurer: Gabe D. Lancaster, MD
Immediate Past President: Nicholas H. Kluesner, MD, FACEP

Cory Wittrock, MD, FACEP
Daniel P. Runde, MD, FACEP

Resident Director
Jordan Huttash, MD (UICCM)

Medical Student Representatives
Adam Carrizales, NRP (UICCM)
Alec T. Jackson (DMU)

Rachel Sokol, DO, FACEP
Ryan M. Dowden, MD, FACEP

Alternate Councillors
Nicholas H. Kluesner, MD, FACEP
Cory Wittrock, MD, FACEP
Thomas E. Benzoni, DO, FACEP

All regular Iowa ACEP members are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors or represent the Chapter as a Councillor. The Board of Directors has general supervision of chapter affairs at its annual meetings. Councillors represent Iowa ACEP at National ACEP Council Meetings held in conjunction with National ACEP events. For more information, please contact the chapter.