MS Application

The Medical Student Membership Program was developed by the Iowa Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (IAACEP) to give medical students an opportunity to learn more about emergency medicine by getting involved with the chapter at no cost to the student. Medical students who are selected will receive free membership in the Iowa ACEP Chapter, EMRA, and ACEP for one year. 

Iowa ACEP will be accepting applications throughout the year from medical students who meet the below eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a Medical Student in good standing at local state medical school
  • Must plan on attending residency in Iowa
  • Must plan to practice emergency medicine in Iowa upon graduation from Medical School & Residency


  • Attend the chapter annual meeting held every year in June or July
  • Submit an article for 1-quarterly chapter newsletter for the Medical Student Corner

Selection Process

  • Iowa ACEP Board of Directors will review and select medical students based on applications received by the deadline date;
  • Selected medical students will be notified by the Iowa ACEP Chapter Executive Board.